Calla Health is a newly formed entity dedicated to improving the lives of women through technological innovations. Our vision is to sustainably improve access to women’s cancer prevention with a low-cost, hand-held, portable imaging devices, mHealth communication platforms, and an automated decision-making algorithm. Technologies under Calla Health are the Pocket Colposcope and the Callascope, which were developed to implement "see-and-treat" paradigms.
Calla Health is a newly formed entity dedicated to improving the lives of women through technological innovations. Our vision is to sustainably improve access to women’s cancer prevention with a low-cost, hand-held, portable imaging devices.
Read more about our team>>Our portable technologies enable image quality on par with high-end colposcopes at a fraction of the price.
Imaging plus algorithms which ensure expert precision in diagnostics.
Created to overcome global accessibility needs at a sustainable cost.
It is small, transportable, practical, it doesn’t require additional resources, you can use it in a mobile clinic.
The new instrument with the potential to revolutionize cervical cancer screening in low-resource settings.
How does the Pocket Colposcope work?Reimaginging the gynecological exam as we know it, obviating the need for the speculum and enabling users to have more autonomy over their bodies.
Product detailsProviding artificial intelligence for cervical pre-cancer risk assessment that is on par with expert physicians.
How does the AI system work?Art exhibit to create awareness for cervical cancer and reproduction of the Callascope
Our time educating & spreading awareness in Ghana
Midwife at La Liga Contra El Cancer Mobile Clinic testing out the Pocket Colposcope
Team visits a Mobile cervical cancer screening van in Lima, Peru
Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death for women worldwide; 85% of deaths occur in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), despite the fact that well-established interventions exist for pre-invasive disease. Many low-resource countries lack the health care infrastructure required for the cytology-based screening and referral colposcopic diagnosis that have dramatically reduced the disease burden in wealthier countries.
meet our team >>